Honker, a great servant of God preached about having faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He was arrested and produced before a judge, as preaching the gospel was prohibited by law.
     The judge went wild with anger and said that he would not allow him to preach as long as he had fingers in his hands and threatened he would write bitter judgments against him. The preacher replied quietly that, he would not stop preaching since he believed in the Hand of glory on his side, which was eternal.
     Yes, faith sees God’s hands. He takes us in His arms as His children when we accept as our Lord (Jn 11:2).
       “Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavyladen and I will give you rest” (Matt11:28).
      Faith makes one to look up to God. “Look  unto me and be ye saved” (Is 45:22).
 Filed Under : A GREAT SERVANT OF GOD by JGFAdmin

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